Punjab Best Hindi Newsapaper
Punjab Best Hindi Newsapaper
Chandigarh is one of the most beautiful cities in our country and is also host to more than 10 newspaper
publications. The top three newspapers of the city are Dainik Jagran, Amar Ujala, and Arth Prakash.
Apart from these newspapers, there are many more newspapers on the list. In this post, we will look at
the list of Chandigarh Hindi newspapers. Let’s get started.
1. Dainik Jagran
Dainik Jagran is one of the most popular Indian Hindi-language newspapers. Dainik Jagran is the
most read newspaper in India with an average issue readership (AIR) of 16.872 million. It has
also been declared as one of the most read newspapers in the world by the World Association of
2. Amar Ujala
Amar Ujala is a Hindi-language newspaper, which is published in our country. This newspaper
has 21 editions in 6 states and two UTs covering 180 districts. The newspaper has a circulation
of around two million copies. It comes on the topmost position in the list of Chandigarh Hindi
3. Arth Prakash
Arth Prakash was started with the objective of independent, fearless, and impartial journalism
and this newspaper has successfully completed 32 years of publication. Arth Prakash was
started as a weekly newspaper in 1986 from the city of Chandigarh, which is known as City
Beautiful in the country. The company also launched its digital edition in which they cover all the
events, activities, and the latest happenings across the country. The newspaper has been able to
deliver news to the readers as soon as possible with complete accuracy and credibility.
4. Dainik Bhaskar
Dainik Bhaskar is a Hindi-language daily newspaper owned by the Dainik Bhaskar Group in India.
According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, it is ranked 4th in the world by circulation and is
the largest newspaper in India by circulation. Dainik Bhaskar is present in 12 states with 65
editions in Hindi, Marathi, and Gujrati. Dainik Bhaskar is also very popular in Chandigarh.
5. Prabhat Khabar
Prabhat Khabar is a Hindi newspaper that is circulated in several states in India, including
Chandigarh. It was founded in August 1984. The Prabhat Khabar daily newspaper is known for
reporting social issues and revealing scams. It has an average issue readership (AIR) of almost 4
million people across India as of 2017.
6. Hindustan
It is an Indian Hindi-language daily newspaper. As per the ABC or Audit Bureau of Circulations, it
is ranked 13th in the world by circulation and 6th in India. It was launched on 12 April 1936.
7. Punjab Kesari
Punjab Kesari is a Hindi newspaper that is published in many states like Punjab, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, and Delhi in India. It is owned by the Punjab Kesari group and its
circulation was 1,159,489 daily as of 2015. Punjab Kesari is one of the most prominent
newspapers in Chandigarh.
8. Navbharat Times
It is a Hindi-language daily newspaper and is one of the largest reader's Hindi newspapers of
Delhi, Mumbai, and Lucknow. It is from the BCCL which also publishes other diaries including
The Times Of India and the Economic Times. It was founded in 1946.
9. Rajasthan Patrika
Rajasthan Patrika is a Hindi daily newspaper that was founded in 1956 and is also read by
households in Chandigarh. It is published in Delhi and Rajasthan and as Patrika in 9 other states.
It has emerged as the fourth most-read Hindi newspaper in India.
10. The Hindu
The Hindu newspaper is also one of the most popular newspapers in Chandigarh. The editorial
section provides explainable justifications and analyses of all public policies and international
issues. It is always accurate and unbiased. It has relevant content without full pages of annoying
advertisements. The language used is crisp, to the point and totally user-friendly.
So these were the top 10 newspapers in the list of Hindi newspapers Chandigarh. Almost all the
newspapers listed in this post are well-reputed and read by the households living across the city. We
hope you liked this post.
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एक टिप्पणी भेजें